One of ECHO’s primary focuses has been
to help with skills training for those in Bangladesh who otherwise would have
very little employment prospects. Many of them do not lack in hard work or
motivation but sadly have to drop out of school due to financial difficulties –
a budding flower that faces the prospect of withering away in the prime of its

No parents would like to experience this
for their children. To give such people a fighting chance to build their lives,
ECHO has sponsored skills development programs with several local partners in
Currently training is
provided in mobile phone servicing,
computers, electrical wiring, automobile driving and auto mechanics,
refrigeration, sewing, knitting machine operation, etc. ECHO
works closely with the local business leaders to understand market needs and
fine tune its training programs to meet the local demand for skilled resources.
The regular monitoring of the skills program results in a high percentage of
graduation and job placement rate.